
Enter your Floramedia e-mail address and receive an e-mail with a link to automatically log in to our intranet with your account. The device you use for this will remember that you logged in via this link. Therefore, you will not have to log in again in the future.

Have you still not received an e-mail with login link after 10 minutes? And have you also checked your spam box? Then try the following tips:

  1. Request the login link again. Check that you have entered your Floramedia e-mail address without typing errors.
  2. Try logging in with a different web browser. Do you always open the website with Internet Explorer? Then try it with Google Chrome.
  3. Delete all or part of your internet browser’s browsing history. Think for example of cookies and website data. Close and restart your browser.

Still can’t solve the problem after carrying out these steps? If so, contact reception on 075 647 64 76.

What should I do?
The login link is only valid for one hour. If the link has expired, please request a new one via this webpage.